Lighter work. Happier patients.

Emerge is the intuitively designed, consolidated practice management software powering modern dental practices.


Winners in this space have strong practice management so they can deliver a great patient experience.

With today’s legacy solutions, you’re forced to prioritize one over the other. With Emerge, you don’t have to choose. We designed it with the office staff, dental team and the patient in mind, so your office staff’s work could be made lighter and the dental team can spend much-needed time with patients.

One System

Two Factor Authentication

Dashboard & Insights

Modern, Intuitive Design

Task Recommendations

Automated Billing

Encrypted Communication

HIPAA Compliant

Data Integrity & Backup

Easy Onboarding

Take the stress off your staff. Make your patients thankful they chose you.

We’re running a pilot program and looking for participants.


Schedule, treat, contact, and bill patients... in one place.

No more tracking down pieces of paper about scheduled appointments or insurance claims. Clearly view all the information you need right in front of you and securely, and efficiently communicate with patients and partners. Get it all done through Emerge.

100% HIPAA-compliant access and communication.

Each member of your staff needs access to different patient data. Emerge uses two-factor authentication to guarantee internal users are given the right permissions. Emerge encrypts the data when it’s sent to and from where it’s stored. Because the data is encrypted, patient information stays protected and secure.

“We’ve been in the dental space for a while now, and we know the trust of our users is built on the foundation of data protection and privacy. We built Emerge prioritizing a higher standard for security.”
-Jordan M.

Find gaps. Fill them. Get paid faster.

You want to know how the practice is performing. We’re betting you also want to know what to do if performance isn't where it needs to be. Use Emerge’s daily task recommendations to not only maintain financial health but turn 90 days in AR into 30.

Dashboards & Insights


Task Prompts

Automated Billing

Lighter work, happier staff.

Emerge is easy to use, and even easier to train your staff on. It’s configured based on how your staff uniquely works, so managing and executing to-dos is a lot simpler. Emerge creates an intuitive, enjoyable experience that keeps your staff happy in their roles.

“The office staff at a dental practice have enough to manage on a daily basis. The least we could do was create a platform that’s easy for them to use, so they can focus on the value of the work they’re doing.”
-Anthony L.